Monday, November 23, 2009

thinkig about life♀

well i was lying on my bed last night when i heard the saddest song. it went like this:

Every long lost dream led me to where you are .Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars .Pointing me on my way into your loving arms .This much I know is true.That God blessed the broken road. That led me straight to you I think about the years I spent just passing through. I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you .But you just smile and take my hand .You've been there you understand.That God blessed the broken road.That led me straight to you.

then it flashed through me : the vision of life. out of all the thing s thats happened to me in life it made me realize that if all the bad things hadnt happened to me then i wouldnt have ever moved to la and i wouldnt have met all the people i know . my conclusion is that things happen for a reason .♥

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