Tuesday, August 25, 2009

book review : A great and terrible beauty series BOOK # 4

wow this book is so awesome i want to die i liked the whole series but my favorite is the last one : THE SWEET AND FAR THING . the whole book was okay BUT one thing killed it the ending...
the ending is so sad that i cried everyday for a whole week !! that book will change your life ! your going to be so shocked that you will probably be traumatized!! i just love the way the whole book is written.

the main characters are : Gemma , Kartik , Ann , Felicity , winterland creatures , the teachers etc.
the problem : the people at the winterlands are at war with the realms for the magic.

recomended books and series

  • a great and terrible beauty series
  • among the hidden series
  • harry potter series
  • killing britney
  • paper towns
  • twilight series
  • vampire diares series